Opacity Widget

Drag outside the gaussian to move it along the histogram.
Drag inside the gaussian to modify its shape.
Double click to add a curve.
Right click to delete a curve.

Code Example

            const element = document.getElementById("viewer-2");
            const widgetContainer = document.getElementById("widget");
            let header;
            diglettk.loadDemoSerieWithLarvitar("knee", larvitar, serie => {
              // build vtk volume with larvitar
              header = larvitar.buildHeader(serie);
              larvitar.buildDataAsync(serie, 30, onSuccess, onError);
            function onSuccess(volume) {
              data = volume;
              const image = diglettk.buildVtkVolume(header, volume);
              // run vr
              vr = new diglettk.VRView(element);
              // set an image
              // set widget element to control opacity
              vr.widgetElement = widgetContainer;
              // set a LUT
              let lutList = vr.getLutList();
              fillSelect(lutList, "MuscleBone");
              // vr.lut = lutList[0];
              vr.lut = "MuscleBone";
              vr.rescaleLUT = true;
            function onError(err) {